Tole bo slišati čudno – sploh tistim, ki veste, da sem rojena, živim in delam v Prlekiji, ki ni ravno gorska pokrajina – ampak – jaz naravnost obožujem gore! In zato sploh ni besed, ki bi opisale, kako sem se počutila, ko sem se dogovorila za poročno fotografiranje – v gorah! Noro!!
In to v gorah v Franciji!! V Chamonix Mont Blancu – kraju, ki je svetovno znan po smučiščih. Uau.
Kontaktiral me je namreč par iz Chicaga – Drea in Max – ki sta se poročila doma, v ožjem krogu svoje družine. Nato sta se odpravila na potovanje po Evropi, v Franciji pa sta si želela narediti poročne fotografije. Z Dreo in Maxom sta pripotovala tudi Maxov brat in njegova punca in privoščili so si “road trip” po Franciji in Španiji – kot češnja na torti pa je bilo doživetje s fotografiranjem v Chamonixu.
Tako smo najprej naredili nekaj dih jemajočih fotografij ob vršacih nad Chamonix – Mont Blancom in se nato spustili v dolino. Tam leži prekrasno jezero Lac a l’Anglais, ob njem pa dvorec, ki daje – prav zaradi tega, ker je zapuščen in v ruševinah – fotografijam nek prav poseben pridih.
Preden smo se dobili in sploh spoznali, sem s pomočjo strica googla raziskala Chamonix – vedno pa povprašam tudi kolege fotografe, ali so tudi oni slučajno že tam fotografirali – in tako sem paru predlagala več lokacij, kje in kako bi lahko naredili najboljše fotografije. Slišali smo se tudi preko videoklica, a Drea in Max sta rekla le – med gorami in pri dvorcu ob jezeru.
Tako smo se res naužili lepot narave, doživeli pa smo tudi pristnost in priljudnost tamkajšnjih prebivalcev, ki so me res presenetili – ne le, da so bili prijazni, resnično so bili veseli vsakega klepeta s turisti. Brez kakršnih koli zavor so navezovali stike s popolnimi neznanci.
Mesto Chamonix je majčkeno, ljubko mestece – sicer izjemno drago – ampak,doživela sem ga kot priljudno, mlado mesto z zelo prijaznim in prijetnim vzdušjem.
Ob “službenem” fotografiranju sem imela toliko časa, da sem si lahko privoščila tudi mini turističen ogled Chamonixa, popeljala sem se s starim retro vlakcem, za katerega mi ni bilo jasno, kako bo tak “star” vlak prilezel na tisti visoki breg … Ampak – je!
Chamonix je bil tako zame izjemna izkušnja.
Sploh, ker sem se s parom tudi zelo dobro energetsko ujela; bila sta hvaležna, da sem jaz, iz Slovenije, prišla v Francijo le zato, da sem ju fotografirala. Čeprav bi si najverjetneje lahko koga najela tudi tam. Ampak ne – želela sta mene. Uau! (Sem to že rekla, a ne? 😉 )
Zato obožujem svoj poklic.
Ker rada fotografiram. Ker rada potujem. In ker mi veliko pomeni, če zna to kdo ceniti.
Hvala vsem, ki to znate!
This is going to sound weird now – especially because I was born, live and work in Prlekija, which is not exactly a mountainous landscape – but I just love the mountains! And so there are no words at all to describe how I felt, when I was arranged for wedding photographer in the mountains! Crazy!
And where! In the mountains of France! In Chamonix Mont Blanc – a place, famous for its ski resorts. Wow!
I was contacted by a couple from Chicago – Drea and Max – who got married at home, in the circle of their family, going on a trip to Europe and in France they wanted to have proffessional photos taken in Chamonix.
Max’s brother and his girlfriend also traveled with Drea and Max and they together took a road trip through France and Spain. And the cherry on the cake was the experience of taking photos in Chamonix.
So we first took some breath taking photos of the peaks above Chamonix – Mont Blanc and then descended into the valley.
There lies the beautiful lake by the name Lac a l’Anglais, and next to it a mansion that gives – because it is abandoned and in ruins – a very special touch to the photographs.
Before we met and got to know each other, I explored Chamonix with the help of “uncle Google” – and I also always ask my friends photographers if they happened to be there if they can help me with some suggestions, where to take photos – so I suggested to the couple several locations, where and how to take the best photos. We also saw and heard each other through a video call, but Drea and Max wanted to take photography only in the mountains and by the lake.
So we really enjoyed the beauty of nature and we also axperienced the authenticity and politeness of the local people, who really surprised me – not only that they were friendly, they were also really happy with every chat with us, tourists. Without any questions they made contact with complete strangers.
The town of Chamonix is a tiny, lovely town – extremely expensive – but I experienced it as a young town with very friendly and pleasant atmosphere.
I had some time to discover the place. I went ona a mini sightseeing tour of Chamonix, I took a drive with a retro train, for whitch it was not clear to me, how such an old train would climb that high mountain … but it has!
Chamonix was such a remarkable experience for me. Especially since I also got along very well with the couple in energetically meaning. They were so grateful that I, from Slovenia, came to France just to photograph them. Although they could probably hire somebody there also. But – no – they wanted me! Wow! (I did already said that, didn’t I?)
That’s why I love my occupation.
Because I like to take photos.
Because I like to travel.
And because it means a lot to me if anyone knows how to appreciate it.
Thank’s to everyone who does!